
Middlesex Hospital Alliance Protects Patient Care Amid Drug Shortage

In response to a national supply disruption of certain drugs as a result of reduced output from drug manufacturer Sandoz Canada, contingency protocols have been put in place at Four Counties Health Services (FCHS) and Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital (SMGH) sites of the Middlesex Hospital Alliance (MHA).

Strategic Plan

MHA Strategic Plan 2010-12 Achieving our mission, vision and principles. To be the best place for patient-centred care we will…

Board hears about Chiefs Role as SW LHIN ED Lead

Strathroy, ON – During the regular February Board meeting of the Middlesex Hospital Alliance (MHA) Board of Directors, Dr. Jon Dreyer, Chief of Staff at the FCHS site, provided the Board with a presentation on his role as the South West LHIN (SW LHIN) Emergency Department (ED) Lead.

Best Practices for MRSA

WHAT IS MRSA? Staphylococcus aureus is a germ that lives on the skin of healthy people. Occasionally S. aureus can cause an infection. When S. aureus develops resistance to certain antibiotics, it is called methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.

Volunteers do make a difference

Strathroy, ON- The Four Counties site of the Middlesex Hospital Alliance (MHA) took an evening to formally acknowledge the contributions volunteers make at the hospital.

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